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- Updated 5/30/04
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![]() It's Christmas!! 11/29/2004 - un dos tres catorce More and more news for tonight. Here's the finished scaling+roating with the 32x i've been working on devstertest12.zip. Yes, it is so slow its not funny =). You can find more and more on the Sega page. Also, Tom Maniero has released version 0.08 of his CrazyBus game! You can grab the rom here: CrazyBusV08, and sources here 11/27/2004 - I think it's time for another 32x demo Click Me :) 11/20/2004 - Future Sega Genesis Releases! DevSter Productions and Co. presents StickBoy! You are stickboy, and you must find your clothes from the greater evil on the planet "Ling". In the battle, you will face bats, beetles, African spiders in search for..........your clothes. Expected release date: 11/11/2004 An artist's representation. Look at those super graphics! 11/19/2004 - Noise Machine in BasiEgaXorz Here's an example on how to use the Devster Noise Machine with BASIC source code to play FM music in the background. A source+test rom is here. Also, Tom Maneiro has made an installer for the latest BasiEgaXorz, which has snasm, sgtd, and imagenesis all in one package so you don't have to download each program! Read more at the forums 9/28/2004 - DevSter Noise Machine The ym2612 tracker i made and used to make the fm test rom is now released. The sources can only be used for assembly, but i'm sure it can be used for C too. Download Package 8/31/2004 - Last day of August For the last day of August, I'm going to release a ROM with my first attempt at music playing for the ym2612. Sega Genesis rom is here 8/26/2004 - Back to school special(s) Day 4 Now for a release for the non-developers - yet another 32x test rom =). This one demonstrates scaling. All code running was all made in assembler by me. Download: DevSterTest10.ZiP 8/25/2004 - Back to school special(s) Day 3 Wal-MARS X released! This is a 32x Project Development Builder for assembly language. All you need for headers and etc. are there, just put in your own 68k, or sh2 code! To use the 32x functions, you can read the new 32x document 8/24/2004 - Back to school special(s) Day 2 Dr. DevSter's Guide to The Sega 32x has been released! This guide will shows you how the 32x works to get a game running. The document is located here. 8/23/2004 - Back to school special(s) Day 1 Basiegaxorz v0.19 is now out! Lots+lots of fixes and new features. You can go ahead and download it here. Expect another "special" tommorow ;D 8/16/2004 - By Tom Maniero: CrazyBus After 3 days of "hard" work with BasiEgaXorz, and with no modem for more than one week, finally i've released my first game: CrazyBus. Nothing special, just move a colorful bus from here to there. Grab it here. Sources. Feel free to report any bug or suggestion to tomman@cantv.net 7/25/2004 - New Sega Genesis Tool With this tool, BasiRomEgaHaXorz, you can add introductions to Sega Genesis roms compiled from BASIC (BasiEgaXorz). Notes: Roms that are >2mb cannot be used because sega cd word ram occupies the $200000 region. Thanks to Tom Maniero for the idear =). Download Here 7/8/2004 - 32x development: Devsterest8.32x working on real hardware Now working on the 32x real hardware, thanks to mod+fonzie for pointing out the bug. rom download. Slow updates here and there :) 6/11/2004 - New Sega Genesis mod! Hate that licensing screen on your Sega Genesis when starting up? Then this mod MIGHT be for you. If you have a Sega 32x/CD, the mod will not work. 6/10/2004 - Even More 32X With just using the Genesis 68k, I still managed to display a pic =). All SH2 code was bypassed. Download ROM (won't work on real hardware though) 6/9/2004 - More 32X Here are more 32x test roms: Full pic test, Genesis VDP Overlay, Same as Genesis VDP Overlay but in VDP Mode 2, Same as Genesis VDP Overlay but in VDP Mode 3, and VDP Mode 2 Pic with 15 bpp 6/4/2004 - 32X Just like I said, i'll get the frame buffer working :P. 32x demo with text 6/2/2004 - Back to the 32X From reverse engineering this sucker to death, I finally found a way to turn on the 32x VDP, and change the CRAM colors. A demo of that is here. Hopefully i'll get the framebuffer to work =). 4/29/2004 - Gwyrxzl Zone In desperation for hits+updates, and because of my laziness, folks, I give you all The Gwyrxzl Zone! Its going off the topic of development, but who cares =P 4/21/2004 - BasiEgaXorz I released v0.12 of the compiler, mainly for bug fixes, and little additions here and there. Like the usual, get it here 4/11/2004 - Easter = More updates What'd be a better time to release an update than on Easter day :)? To celebrate the bunnies of the world, I decided to release BasiEgaXorz v0.11 today =D. One of the biggest highlight of this update is the speed increase, more than 100 times. I didn't have time to include BigSprite and BigTile routines, maybe they'll just be in an slibrary instead =). v0.11 here 4/8/2004 - Yet Another... Okay, girls+boys, its theat time again :-D. Yes, that's right, another new release today - ImaGenesis. Its a converter for converting all youy images into Sega Genesis tiles for use with BasiEgaXorz. It is located here 4/5/2004 - YES YES YES YES YES!!!! BasiEgaXorz.................................. v0.10........................... is here! Now with Sega CD multi-program cupport, CD audio playing, multi-plane drawing, groovey scrolling, and tons of bug fixes, including an improved gui! Get it here here here 4/1/2004 - April Fools!!!! Released the second version of SGTD !! v0.03, now with more functions. 3/31/2004 - New Killer Tile Editor A simple version of a Sega Genesis tile editor released: SGTD !! v0.01. When I mean simple, I mean simple. Lots (99%) of the buttons are disabled for now. Tile editing, and exporting are all you'll need for now ;D - happy happy joy joy. 3/17/2004 - More Freebiez Galaxian, version 2! Source Code. There are bugs, eg: can't work with the real hardware, or garbage appearing on the status bar, and the level 4 glitch. Will all be fixed in basiegaxorz v0.10. 3/2/2004 - Chicken Butt chicken mmmmm in a sega cd iso =o 2/29/2004 - BasiEgaXorz Finally uploaded version 0.08 sorry for the delay 1/31/2004 - VDGs Added a mode sheet for the 6847 in ee. Also added the components to the custom library. I'll be adding a test schematic for the MC6845 soon. Also added a whole lot of eproms to the components library, 2708 to 27512. 1/30/2004 - Updates Updates Updates More updates to the ee section. Added my stuff for driving video through the MC6847. 1/27/2004 - ATA HD Interface Added Added a simple 8 bit interface to the ee section. The interface doesn't require any gates or buffers, so data read/writes are limited to 8 bits on a 16 bit bus. Also added the IDE connector to the custom component library, and the ATA specs. 1/26/2004 - Finally an Update to the Elecy Section Added some stuff that isn't very common on the net (at least for me) - a DRAM interfacing and reference. Decided to start a section today when I found a very easy circuit in a Z80 book to strap DRAM on. 1/25/2004 - Hurray Thanks to Mask of Destiney, i now gots me a reliable host. Now i can up release v0.08 of BasiEgaXorz with Sega CD support, and argunerics. Some changes on the site too, if you go into the pictures section, you may notice the pics look like fudge. I resized+compressed them heavily, so each pic is now about 20k. This is good for the 56k'ers =). Took some more pictures of the "upgraded" Sega Genesis with the ISA slot. 1/12/2004 - Yet another update BasiEgaXorz v0.05 beta. Added graphics and interrupters and stuff - 16 commands. 1/9/2004 - Its Coming Up Fast BasiEgaXorz v0.04 is out now! Graphics, tiles, sprites, and interrupts will be coming up fast in v0.05! Expect it by this weekend =D. 1/6/2004 - BasiEgaXorz v0.02! Released BasiEgaXorz version 0.02. Go get it, some things r fixed n stuufs. The homepage is here |
Devster Specialties Created by Joseph Norman All work created by DevSter on preceeding pages are Copyright 2003-2004 by Joseph Norman Sega Genesis and Gameboy are registered trademarks of Sega and Nintendo "The shareef don't like it. Rockin' the Casbah. Rock the Casbah" |